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 · Repurposing of Potent Drug Candidates for Multiparasite Targeting. Author links open overlay panel Vitul Jain 1 Amit Sharma 1. Show more. . 4PG3). Cladosporin is active against Plasmodium falciparum, Loa loa and Schistosoma mansoni lysyl-tRNA synthetases. (B) Tavaborole or AN2690 is shown here along with its molecular target leucyl-tRNA .

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Structural Similarities for the Entities in PDB 4PG3. The following structural similarities have been found using the jFATCAT-rigid algorithm [1,2].To reduce the number of hits, a 40% sequence identity clustering has been applied and a representative chain taken from each cluster. If the representative chain consists of multiple domains, each domain is included in the search.

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Domain d4pg3a2: 4pg3 A:230-581 [258137] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pg3a1, d4pg3b1, d4pg3c1, d4pg3d1 automated match to d3bjua2 complexed with krs, lys: Details for d4pg3a2. PDB Entry: 4pg3 (more details), 2.7 .

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The POU5F1 gene codes for the OCT4 transcription factor, which is one of the key regulators of pluripotency. Its transcription, alternative splicing, and alternative translation leading to the synthesis of the active, nuclear localized OCT4A has been described in detail. Much less, however, is known about actively transcribed OCT4 pseudogenes, several of which display high homology to OCT4A .

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